2. Update "App.css" and "App.js" with the desired functionality implementation
3. Change "serviceWorkerRegistration.unregister()" of "index.js" to "serviceWorkerRegistration.register()"
4. Deploy the app
Could be achieved with the following steps:
2. Login to Firebase
firebase login
3. Initiate your project
firebase init
(a) Select "Hosting"
(b) Choose "Use an existing project" (if already created)
(c) Choose the desired project
(d) Enter "build" for public directory
(e) Enter "No" for single-page app
(f) Enter "N" to avoid overwritten index.html
4. Perform "npm run build"
5. Deploy with "firebase deploy"
Note: The above command is recommended to be executed in the React project directory
Reference: https://dzone.com/articles/react-apps-firebase